The Service Club of Manatee County Endowment Fund was established in 2014 to ensure that the Service Club tradition of giving to benefit children in need in Manatee County continues in perpetuity. We are sincerely grateful to the following donors who contributed gifts to establish The Endowment Fund during its first year of existence.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Acquaro
Patricia Arnold
Ina and Nick Baden
The Honorable Marianne Barnebey and
Mark Barnebey, Esq.
Doris and David Bassett
Sherry and Robert Bellino
Krista Bloomberg and Robert Brameister
Alice and Robert Boylston
Jacquie and Tom Braxtan
Thomas and Jane Brown
Kaye and Allen Butler
Barbara and Harold Chastain
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Conley
Margaret and Bob Christopher
Ann Day
Linda Diem
Mary Anne and Chuck Early
Missy and Dick Eckenrod
Dr. and Mrs. James Ellis
Carol Friedman
Polly Gaar
Linda Gallen
Teresa and Steve Gambill
Susan and Red Garner
Peggy Gause
Pat and Alan Geiger
Patty Gentile
Debbie and Joe Gigliotti
Janet Grimes
Michele and Caleb Grimes
Gail E. Hannah
Rachel Harrison
Billie Sue Hartman
Dr. Crystal Herold and Mr. William Herold
Eileen and Dale Hoffner
Sharon and Tom Howze
Elaine Hudson
Deborah and Randy Iaboni
G. Lee and Bud Jones
Mary Louise Gerard Kendler
Mardelle Kennedy
Sue and Harry Kinnan
Sandra and David Krull
Anne and Peter Lanham
Mary Ann and Kennedy Legler
Betsy and Larry Lieberman
Becky and Bill Linton
Bettye Sue and Neil McCurry
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McSwain
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mercier
Mary and Bill Middlebrooks
Marty Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell
Allison and John Nash
Barbara O’Connell
Debbie Partridge
Patty and David Persson
Pat and Ron Pickelsimer
and Dick Pomeroy
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Pope
Jan and Jim Pullen
Mr. and Mrs. John Quinlan
Judy and Wayne Ratz
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Richardson
Peggy and Bill Robinson
Frances and Jack Rynerson
Sandy and Wayne Scroggins
Pat and Bill Shirley
The Honorable and Mrs. Gilbert A. Smith, Jr.
Mary and Tom Stoll
Ruth Ann and Conrad Szymanski
Dr. and Mrs. George Thomas
Joan M. Tomeo
Alice and Gary Trice
Sandy and Rod Urban
Connie and Terry Wagner
The Honorable and Mrs. Douglas A. Wallace
Brenton Webster
Chris West
Lynn and Charles White
Derry and Dan Zoller
Vicki and George Zulanas
2025: Service Club of Manatee County Receives $50,000 Gift from Paul Medici Legacy Fund
The Service Club of Manatee County, Inc., is deeply honored to announce a $50,000 legacy gift has been received from the family of Paul Medici. A portion of this gift will be distributed to the needy children through the 2025 Grants Program. Twenty thousand dollars of this gift has been placed into the Endowment Fund.
A substantial gift was made to the Service Club of Manatee County Endowment Fund in memory of each of the individuals below by the donor listed.An Endowment Memorial is a perpetual recognition of the honoree.
Linda Edwards - by Sharon and Tom Howze
Mrs. Joseph B. Ganey - by Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Conley
Janet Grimes - by Michele and Caleb Grimes, and Elizabeth Grimes Wallace
Retired Colonel Needham Bryan “Bud” Jones - by G. Lee Jones
Jo Ann Lovelace - by Friends and Family
Betty Williams - by Anonymous Donor
Colleen M. “Sip” Zoller - by G. Lee and Bud Jones
Marcia Wallace - by Family and Friends
Service Club wishes to express our appreciation to the donors who contributed to the Service Club Endowment each year. We are grateful for your support of this ongoing endeavor to ensure the charitable mission of the Service Club in perpetuity.